Through innovative inquiry and exploration based programs, your child is encouraged and supported along their own personal learning journey. Our students have opportunities to thrive in areas they are passionate about, while also uncovering and developing new skills as they rise to fresh and exciting challenges. Our aim is to grow the knowledge, ability and confidence that will prepare our students for a future as proud, capable global citizens with a positive attitude to learning.
TAI Technology
Connecting talents and interests with real-world opportunities
In 2017 Tairua School launched its own dedicated technology programme for our Year 7 & 8 students specifically catering to each individual's passions and skills.
Students in TAI-Technology (Tairua Academy of Innovation & Technology) receive two hours of expert, hands-on instruction each week in a subject of their choice, designed to link their interests with potential career and future learning pathways.
Current modules on offer in TAI-Technology are:
Food Technology
Visual Art
Sports & Wellbeing
Sports and EOTC
Embracing the unique opportunities offered by a stunning natural environment
From the magical surroundings of Paku Hora Hora, our school beach; the lush bush setting of the Coromandel forests, to the action of the Pauanui Surf Breaks, getting in nature provides a strong focus for all students at Tairua School.
Each year, the many school camps and trips create memorable experiences for our students. Sporting opportunities are available throughout the year, including rugby, netball, soccer, cricket, athletics and swimming. Tairua School is also part of the WHOT collective with surrounding school, with inter-school tournaments organised for each year.

Waterwise and Surf Academy
In the Summer terms, a daily summer swim programme combined with Kayaking, Sailing and our own School Surf Academy, enables students to gain the water safety skills and confidence that is vital for young people in coastal communities. Waterwise and Surf Academy are two prime examples of what vibrant and enthusiastic parent/caregiver participation makes possible.

Te Reo Maori and Kapa Haka
Our Te Reo tutor Brandon is inspiring us all to embrace our native language through formal greetings, beautiful waiata, traditional story telling and simple conversations. Every class has time with Brandon while our teaching staff continue to build Te Reo into their weekly programmes. Both our Maori and non-Maori students are encouraged and supported to take on new language challenges with confidence.
Led by Matua Ra our Kapa Haka group, through song and dance, fosters deep connections with place and whanau. Tairua School is the birthplace of the annual Coromandel Cultural Festival uniting schools from across the peninsula for a shared celebration of our unique culture and heritage.

Kick Start to School
Getting to know our newest citizens
Kick Start is specially designed for pre-schoolers to ease their transition into Tairua School. Students visit Room 1 for a few hours on Friday mornings to learn classroom programmes, get to know other students and teachers, and become familiar with the routines of "big school". The number of sessions is flexible and can range from 4 to 10 depending on what works best for you and your child. The result is a fun, stress-free introduction to life at Tairua School.

Developing Globally Minded Citizens
‘Developing Globally Minded Citizens equipped with the skills and values to contribute positively in a local, national and global context’